
Vision of Success Online Course

Define success for yourself, then create a clear plan for acting on that vision daily.


The ground under our feet has shifted.

It’s time to catch up with who you are and what you desire today.

What’s my personal definition of success?

Am I living a life that’s true to myself?

How do I get clear on what I want and follow through?

These kinds of questions define our experience of life itself, but without the right framework, they risk going unanswered. 

We can end up living and working on autopilot on someone else’s agenda, investing all our life force into realising someone else’s dream.

In a world where we are constantly being told what to want, who to be, and trained to pursue limiting and often misaligned versions of success, it can be a revolutionary act to create and live into your own.

Being able to define what the word success means to you – in rich, specific detail – is the first step to living with more purpose and presence.

Vision of Success is a self-paced, online course containing two powerful exercises to help you take that step.

The first, Defining Success, will teach you a framework for creating your own unique vision of success. The second, Productive with Purpose, is a goal-setting exercise to help you take daily aligned action on bringing the specifics of your vision to life.


This course contains the tried and tested process I use with each of my 1:1 coaching clients to kick off our work together.

If you’ve ever been curious about my approach but hesitant about leaping straight into 1:1 coaching, this is your chance to take a test drive.

What’s included in the course?


With 18 short video and audio recordings and two workbooks, Vision of Success is a structured process to guide you through the journey of creating your definition of success and bringing it to life.


Module 1

Defining Success

The common dictionary definition of the word success reads something like this: “to achieve a high position, make a lot of money, or be admired a great deal”. But not only is that definition incredibly generic, it might be completely irrelevant to your own desires!

In Module One, you will learn how to begin deconditioning from your own culture’s one-size-fits-all definition of success, and instead look inside yourself for clues to your own.

Using the workbook and guided videos, you will write your own definition of success by describing in concrete, tangible detail exactly what Lifestyle Design, Creative Freedom and Financial Stability would mean for you.

Vision of Success Elements (1).png

Module 2

Productive with Purpose

What often happens when we take the time to create a big vision in delightfully juicy detail?

Immediate contraction. Overwhelm, or even sadness – perceiving the gap between what you've dreamed and where you are right now can be confronting. 

But broken down into manageable, bite-sized chunks, even the biggest visions can be accomplished in their own time.

In this module, you’ll learn how to use the Productive with Purpose goal-setting framework to chart the most direct way towards your vision and make decisions about where to focus first.

What will I learn?

After taking Module 1, you’ll have a concrete definition of what the word 'success' means to you in 3 key areas of your life: Lifestyle, meaningful work and money.

After taking Module 2, you’ll have a concrete, actionable goal plan of specific actions to take on a daily basis to help you act on that definition of success.


This course is for you if...

  • You don’t yet have an answer to the question, “What is my own definition of success?” Or it feels vague and disconnected from your daily actions.

  • You feel ready to embark on an intimate and transformative process of self-inquiry.

  • You are at a crossroads in life, the beginning of a new cycle, or simply have time on your hands to ponder life’s big questions!

Your Vision of Success is Your North Star:

providing inspiration to fuel your greatest actions, and conviction to make it through even the toughest times.


Watch Imogen introduce the Vision of Success course

By simply directing your attention to your own definition of success and approving of it, you will start to better notice the threads in your life as it is now that are destined to weave this tapestry together.

And then when you get there (which you will), you can say to yourself: I designed this life. I didn’t settle for it. I didn’t sacrifice.


Enroll in Vision of Success now and get:

  • Instant access to all course materials in the online portal, including 18 videos with summaries, audio recordings of each lesson and 2 workbooks.

  • Lifetime access to the course and all future updates and expansions.


“Vision of Success allowed me to take a step back from the demands of everyday life and take a holistic look at my values, then breaking down the steps I can take to live into my them on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Taking this course during a global pandemic brought light to all of the things that I can do right now to feel more present and to live a more purposeful, fulfilling life. Module Two gave me clarity on how to embrace powerful habits that have been transformative for my physical and mental health.

For example, yesterday was my 100th day of a daily yoga and journaling practice; a habit I committed to when I went through this course. This daily decision continues to build my self-trust, which in turn has strengthened my confidence in other areas of my life.”

– Megan, Vision of Success Student

Frequently Asked Questions

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+ Do I need to be self-employed or a business owner to get value out of Vision of Success?

No! The content and exercises in Vision of Success are intended to help you design your life on your own terms, no matter what your professional status, age or gender.

+ How long should it take me to complete the course?

The full course lasts about two hours. You’ll have lifetime access to Vision of Success, so you can take each module separately, and repeat the exercises as many times as you like. My hope is that if these tools and practices work for you, you can return to them again and again as you move closer to – and transcend – your original vision.

+ What software and equipment do I need?

This course is taught 100% online via video and audio recording and you can join from a laptop, tablet or smartphone. I recommend an internet speed of at least 1.5 Mbps to stream the video. Dial-up or satellite internet may slow down your access to the content.

+ What payments do you accept?

You can pay for Vision of Success with Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Paypal.


Got another question?

Click below to send an email and we’ll get back to you.