This is not just coaching and mentoring.

It’s long-term liberation.


Together, we’ll redefine, envision and birth your unique version of success.


And if you have no clue what that looks like, that’s a fantastic place to start.

Through leading you, challenging you and offering unique perspectives, I will support you to build an unshakeable foundation of awareness + power so you can achieve absolutely anything you set your mind to.


If you’ve ever asked yourself “is this it?”, and decided it’s definitely not, you’re in the right place.

If you’re hiding your truest self and are sick of striving to conform (maybe literally as well as figuratively!), you’re in the right place.

If you’re multi-passionate and want to design a life that’s faithful to every single facet of you, you’re in the right place.

If you want liberation from the rat race and other people’s expectations, you’re in the right place.

If you’re independent to a fault but find yourself feeling bitter and resentful about your workload, you’re in the right place.

And if you’ve been told you’re “too much”, “too sensitive” or “too idealistic”, you’re definitely in the right place.

Our world needs your unique leadership and contribution.

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The more demanding, fast and frantic your life becomes, the more disembodied and disconnected from your deepest knowing you’ll feel, and the more desperately you’ll seek answers, solutions and directions from outside of yourself.

But the answers have always been inside you.

The key to setting empowering boundaries that aren’t a battle to enforce? 

Your body knows.

The ideal timing for balancing your career and your desire for a family? 

Your body knows.

The most successful and profitable marketing strategy for your business? 

Your body knows.

The problem is, so many of us can no longer access that innate sense of knowing. Modern life and Toxic Productivity expectations have disconnected us from our bodies and the sacred voice of our intuition.


This is why I teach you how to get out of your head and into your body.

Anchored in some of our oldest wisdom traditions, the work we’ll do together is designed to root us back to the nature around us and the nature within us.

My Mentoring Philosophy


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1. Celebrate the roots, not just the fruit

Trees couldn’t bear fruit without the foundation of strong roots, supporting them to flourish. And it’s the same for us. But in our output-obsessed society, we tend to glorify the fruit – the end goals and the results – without true reverence for the incredible processes making that fruit happen. We fixate on applying mindset and strategy to try and force this fruit into being. When actually we’re missing out the whole root system: the wide base of support that cultivates resilience and builds strong foundations; the shoots that grow quietly through fallow, winter periods; the ecosystem as a whole. This is the fertile soil from which all the success, creativity and results come. Fruit is simply the outcome of taking care of all of those things. It’s the same for us in our lives and careers when we take care of our energy and learn that rest is not a dirty word.

2. Have reverence for the process

If you're not enjoying the process, what makes you think you'll enjoy the destination? Contrary to our cultural narrative, frustration, exhaustion, illness and burnout are not the price you have to pay to attain “success”. They’re clear signs you’re driving in the wrong direction. The alternative isn’t about coasting or checking out; it's about being efficient so we can save our energy for the things that really matter. To reach our goals without burnout or compromise, we must eliminate unnecessary struggle and lean into pleasure and process instead. This means uncoupling from years of ingrained narratives that nothing good in life comes easy. It does. It can. And it should.

3. Everything has its season

There’s a damaging idea that we’re supposed to “push through” periods of low inspiration, exhaustion and languishing. But this is what causes burnout: you cannot be in constant harvest. Honouring your career, business and creative “autumns and winters” is what will enable you to cultivate and expand more in your “springs and summers”. The more you live and work in alignment with your internal seasons, the less you have to force and push, and the more open to synchronistic opportunities you’ll be. Because you’ll be nourished, well-fueled and ready to receive them when they arrive.

4. Adopt a scientist mindset

Frameworks, not methods. Experiments, not blueprints. In this work we adopt a spirit of non-attached curiosity and playfulness and then, just as a scientist would, you’ll experiment and look at your results. Did this work in the way I expected? If not, what else happened? Did I enjoy this? Do I want to continue or do it again? What lessons will I bring into my next experiment? Most game-changing scientific discoveries were accidents, so we’ll cultivate an attitude of constant curiosity throughout our coaching and mentoring. You may end up creating a whole new game.

5. The only way through a block is via your body. From the inside out

When you take care of your body and your energy, your business and career take care of themselves. That's why focusing on pleasure and the seemingly “unimportant” things is how you supercharge your business. There’s a dangerous narrative that we must work first, then reward ourselves only after completion. Our coaching and mentoring time together will give you radical permission to fuel yourself by doing the things you love first, not as a reward.

6. You can’t find your calling by looking outside of yourself

Your internal body barometer is the only compass you need, but you won’t find your intuition in a self-development book. And you can’t tune into your deepest knowing when you’re rushing frantically from task to task. We use words like “success”, “authenticity” and “confidence”, but what we're really after is congruence – when your daily actions align with your innermost values and visions. This is why self-trust is the essential foundation for unstoppable success.

7. Get paid well for being 100% yourself

No matter what your current title or credentials, as far as I’m concerned your real job on this planet is to embody and share your unique blend of strengths, passions, gifts and values with the world. What makes you different and weird is exactly what’s going to make you most successful. It takes all kinds to make a community thrive, and you being you is the best way to contribute, help and serve others in the collective. I'm here to get you paid well for being yourself and keep you on mission to fulfil your soul purpose – however unconventional it is.

“I have done a lot of counselling and various therapies and this has been one of the most transformational things I've ever done for myself.

Imogen is so knowledgeable and such a great teacher. It is one of the best investments I have ever made for myself and I know it will stick with me for life. Plus I'm amazed at the changes I can feel in so little time. It's easy to come into this work thinking you'll get answers to one set of questions, but leave with a set of very different answers, that maybe you didn't want to hear or know you wanted to hear, but you needed to hear.“

– M.

My coaching and mentoring approach serves to make you more purposeful, productive and present in life and work.



Channelling your energy towards realising your unique vision of success – not society’s or somebody else’s. 


Understanding that as above, so below. A productive life is a meaningful life in which you bring forth your vision and goals; all while nourishing your relationships, creativity and health.


Cultivating a practice of awareness. Rather than asking what is missing, approach your life, emotions and relationships with a playful curiosity. Learn to ask yourself: “What is here for me now, and how can I use it?”


Ready to find unstoppable success on your own terms?